Climb Through Fear

I am learning to climb through fear. A few years back, I had the amazing opportunity to go rock climbing in the Ozark Mountains. We took a family vacation to Arkansas during a particularly cold fall season, and we had a blast!

Our first day out in the crag was difficult and even uncomfortable due to borderline freezing temperatures and the overcast cloud cover. It was however, lots of fun! Making it to the top of a cliff was exhilarating – and the view was incomparably gorgeous.

Rock climbing can be a bit scary and quite intimidating, especially if you are new to the sport. It requires persistent growth in strength, agility, and endurance. I only recently began climbing, and as I look back through this season, I see that I have become more competent than when I first started, and especially stronger. With that said, I think my experience as a climber has helped me grow my faith more than anything else. For me, rock climbing is always a challenge against fear because lets be real – climbing up a rock wall to defy gravity and logic is a bit scary. But this challenge is an opportunity for me to overcome fear and move beyond the mundane.

I recall a moment on the rock after I had ascended about fifty feet up the bluff that I was overtaken with fear. Though safely tied into a rope and held by my belayer, I was paralyzed. I was just beneath an overhang that left me unable to see anything above me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I screamed, “Let me down!”

How often life leads us into circumstances we cannot see past. In the midst of these trials, we always have the choice to move beyond our current obstacles while safely in the hands of our belayer (that is our heavenly Father) and simply trust that He has our back. Though a bit scary, blind faith is an act of true surrender. To let go of control and move forward without a clear vision of what comes next is frightening and uncomfortable
– like rock climbing.

But it is so worth it.

As we climb past fear, we get to experience the exhilaration of surrender. Jesus says in John 10:10, “My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” This rich life comes through our hope and surrender to Christ and Christ alone. When we truly put our trust in Him, fear diminishes and suddenly our lack of vision is replaced with the joy that comes from intimately knowing the love of our King.

When we place our Faith in Jesus, we can experience a supernatural adoption as a true child of God. And our heavenly Father assures us that He has our back when He says, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand,” (Isaiah 41:10).

Jesus loves you so much that He gave His life for you. In doing so, He claimed victory over all things that may be feared in this life. He chose to leave the paradise of heaven and walk this earth as a man – faced with everything you and I face – and live in complete and total surrender to His Father.  He sacrificed Himself on a cross [for you] as payment for your sin (past, present, and future) so that you can experience this same surrender and abundance. Jesus loves you so much more than you could imagine. He is madly in love with you.